
He Studied physics at Ankara University, and composition at Yıldız Technical University. He collaborated with composers such as Emre Dündar, Mehmet Ali Uzunselvi, Mithatcan Öcal and Onur Dülger, creating real-time audio-reactive visuals, video-art, supporting Istanbul Composers Collective as video director, and audio programmer. Since 2016, he has been working on the possible applications of Deep Learning in the field of New Music. He gave a seminar on this topic in IRCAM in 2018. in 2019, he created a real-time audio-reactive deep learning model based on “Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)”, for ICC “Huis Clos V” free improvisation performance at Akademie der Künste, Berlin. In 2020 he performed for “Huis Clos VI” with ICC at the first edition of Arter’s “New and Newest Music Festival”.
In 2021-2022 he composed two pieces for an AI performer he has been working on based on the DDSP model and continued developing software tools for AI-assisted composition.
In 2023, Switzerland based contemporary music duo UMS'nJIP premiered “Gratias, Deo” for tenor voice, recorder, and electronics with a visual installation of audio-reactive generative AI in Istanbul CRR, and this piece was added to the duo’s repertoire for their Europe tour during the year.
In 2024, Şahin Kureta was commissioned to compose a piece for Freiburg based Ensemble Recherche, “Suspended Animation” premiered in Freiburg in September 2024 as part of the first Subscription concert (ABO 1) of 2024-2025 season with the theme “Kunst/Zukunft”.